Coast produced short film Honest Police is continuing on the festival circuit after picking up three awards at the International Media Arts Film Awards.
Actor Robin Nicolle is the leading force behind the project.
“I originally wrote Honest Police as a cop that arrests people for minor offenses that you would never actually be arrested for,” said Nicolle.
“We want to sort of leave it open to audience interpretation and you can decide for yourself.
“Do you think that he’s a cop that sort of doing the right thing? Or is he a maniac that’s on the loose.
“I like to think of it as just the extreme version of taking the law into your own hands, and I’m so excited at the idea that the cop is a psychopath that kidnaps people from small offenses.
The Awards were held in Kampala, Uganda in the past week due to Covid restrictions and was live streamed
“When we submitted to the festival in Uganda, we were lucky enough to win Best Short Film,” Nicolle said.
“I won Best Actor and my friend Glenn won Best Editor. So the first film, the first time in our careers, we were lucky enough to win those awards.”