Premier cricket back

PREMIER CRICKET starts this weekend, with the Scorchers 1sts playing Wests at Kerry Emery Oval in the opening round of the Kookaburra One Day Competition.

This will proceed for the next three weeks.

Scorchers Captain from 2019-20 Peter Dein has announced his retirement from Premier Cricket, and will be leaving the Coast to start a new role as cricket coach at Toowoomba Grammar School in term 4.

Peter will be followed as captain by Angus Lovell, last season’s leading rungetter, and opening batsman.

The youngest Scorcher, Angus was just 16 years and 35days old on debut, and has progressed through the Queensland under 17 and under 19 sides since then.

Nck Selman, the Scorchers’ overseas star, is back at Glamorgan for the restarted County season, and is unsure when or if he will be able to return to Australia in the near future.

Alecz Day has another 5 months to go in his enforced lay-off from sport, but is in great shape and helping with coaching duties.

He hopes to return to competition in the New Year.

New to the mens’ squad are Zac Honeybrook, formerly South Brisbane, and Bernard Bester from Norths, both with first grade experience.

The Scorchers’ Katherine Raymont Shield side will open its campaign in First Grade on the 13th of September in a one-day match.

The full draw is yet to be revealed. The girls are now coached by Ash Renouf, and look forward to their promotion to the state’s top competition, with former NZ representative Hayley Jensen part of the squad.

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